Holiday Leave Request

In order to be able to use your statutory holiday leave entitlement, you must submit a holiday leave application in advance, because you may only take your holiday if you receive permission from your employer. The employer may make individual regulations about the time and form of a leave application. Therefore, submit your application as early as possible. You can now use our holiday application template. 

The statutory holiday leave entitlement applies to the current calendar year, section 7 III p. 1 and 2 BUrlG. According to the wording of the BUrlG, the holiday entitlement expires without reimbursement if the employee does not take it in the current calendar year (= by 31 December at the latest). Carrying over leave to the first three months of the following year is an exception that is only possible under legal conditions. According to recent ECJ rulings, the holiday entitlement can only expire if the employer has enabled the employee to take his/her holiday in time, for example, has personally informed you that you still had to take holiday until 31 December.   

Holiday application: template